Individual classes and seminars are available Looking to get healthy, maintain your health, or learn something new, contact Josh to book your specialty seminar or class.
With his professional background being in the financial market, Josh has joined his knowledge with his ministry to help countless people find financial freedom in their life.
Hi! My name is
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and I’m a servant of Jesus Christ.
Josh Goepfrich was raised in a Christian home, giving his heart to Christ on July 10, 1981 the day after his 4th birthday. Preaching his first message when he was 12 years old, Josh felt the Lord calling him into full time ministry as a young teenager.
After serving as a volunteer youth leader/pastor in several churches over the course of 18 years, Josh was called into full time ministry in 2012. He is currently the senior pastor of Hilltop Community Church, a Southern Baptist Church in Warsaw, IN. Josh leads the people at HCC to follow The Cause of Jesus Christ by making disciples who make disciples. He has a passion to share Jesus with the world that is evidenced in every area of his life.
Josh is a gifted teacher with a heart for counseling and family ministries. Check out the rest of the site to see how Josh can help you along in your journey!
Josh and his wife grew up in the church leading dozens of ministries in the last 20+ years. They are both available to speak or teach at your next event.
Age: 45
HOMETOWN: South Bend, IN
DEGREE: BA, Pastoral Studies
Currently working on MA of Divinity
Joshua Goepfrich